[ [[/|Welcome]] ][ [[Group]] ][ [[Research]] ][ [[Publications]] ][ [[CV]] ][ [[MISC]] ][ [[http://www.jesusnetwork.eu/en/|My Christian Blog]] ][ [[Church Stuff]] ] [[https://iopscience.iop.org/book/978-0-7503-1218-9|{{book_cover.png?143}}]]\\ Institute of Physics (IOP) {{http://scienceatlas.com/potthast/_media/20181019_160945.jpg?360}}\\ Roland on a Research Visit to Japan in October 2018 ===== News RP 2019 ==== * Dec 9-10, 2019, Offenbach, Ger: [[https://www.dfg.de/en/funded_projects/current_projects_programmes/list/index.jsp?id=FOR|DFG Research Group RealPEP]] Workshop, Co-Organizer * Dec 9, 2019, Siegen, Seminar Talk at University of Siegen * Dec 2-3, 2019, Offenbach, Ger: IAFE Conference (Innovation in Applied Research and Development Programme of BMVI) with SINFONY Day (Seamless Integrated Forecasting System) * Nov 18-19, 2019, Exeter, UK: NWP-SAF Steering Group Meeting * Nov 7-8, 2019, Offenbach, Ger: Hans-Ertel Center Munich and DWD Data Assimilation Workshop, Co-Organizer * Oct 25-26, 2019, Göttingen, Ger: 50 Years Institute for Numerical and Applied Mathematics, Invited Talk. * Oct 14-15, 2019, Bad Orb, Ger: [[https://www.gerics.de/about/news_and_events/events/077997/index.php.en|Mathematics of Weather]], Keynote Speaker. * September 24-26, 2019, Tianjin, China: [[http://ipdo2019.ipdos.org/|Fifth International Symposium on Inverse Problems, Design and Optimization (IPDO2019)]], International Organizing Committee, Minisymposium Organizer * September 9-13, 2019, Roma, Italy: [[http://www.cosmo-model.org/content/consortium/events.htm|COSMO General Meeting]] - the central COSMO working group meeting * August 26-28, 2019, Roverto, Italy: First TEAMx Workshop is scheduled in Rovereto, Italy http://www.teamx-programme.org/first-workshop/ [Participation by invitation only] * Aug 12-15, 2019, Reading, UK: Satellite Working Session * July 8-12, 2019, Leiden, NL: Minisymposium on Mathematical Neuroscience at [[https://www.universiteitleiden.nl/equadiff2019|EQUADIFF]], invited talk * July 1-5, 2019, London, UK: [[http://mpecdt.org/workshop-on-stochastic-parameterizations-and-their-use-in-data-assimilation-1-5-july-registration-open/|Workshop on Stochastic Parameterizations and Their Use in Data Assimilation]], invited talk * June 24-25, 2019: [[https://www.dfg.de/en/funded_projects/current_projects_programmes/list/index.jsp?id=FOR|DFG RealPEP]] Kick-off Meeting at University of Bonn * June 12-18, 2019: Visit of Prof Takemasa Miyoshi and Dr. Shunji Kotsuki at DWD and HErZ/LMU * June 12-14, 2019: [[https://sites.google.com/view/rossella-arcucci/home/machine-learning-and-data-assimilation-for-dynamical-systems|Machine Learning and Data Assimilation for Dynamical Systems – MLDADS 2019]], Programme Committee * June 3-7, 2019: Visit of Prof. Poterjoy, Maryland, at DWD * May 26-31, 2019, La Reunion: PhD Defense & Visit Meteorological Observatory Le Maido [[https://osur.univ-reunion.fr/observations/osu-r-stations/opar]] * May 20-24, 2019, Toulouse: [[http://www.meteo.fr/cic/meetings/2019/ISTP/|International Symposium on Tropospheric Profiling]], Programme Committee * May 9-10, 2019, Offenbach: DWD Leadership Conference * April 15-18, 2019, Reading, UK: Satellite Data Assimilation Work Meeting * April 15, 2019: Deutschlandradio [[https://www.deutschlandfunk.de/algorithmen-im-alltag-8-12-der-vorhersager.676.de.html?dram:article_id=446367|Weblink]] A contribution about prediction algorithms * April 10-11, 2019, Offenbach, Germany: Model Equivalent Calculator (MEC) & Rfdbk-Library based Verification Course, Trainer * April 3-4, 2019, Exeter, UK: NWP-SAF Steering Group Meeting * April 2-4, 2019, Potsdam, Germany: [[https://www.trr-energytransfers.de/workshop-2019/|Workshop on Conservation Principles, Data, and Uncertainty in Atmosphere-Ocean Modelling]], invited talk * March 18-21, 2019, Offenbach, Germany: [[https://www.dwd.de/EN/specialusers/research_education/seminar/2019/iccarus2019/iccarus_2019_en_node.html|ICCARUS]], the ICON- COSMO-CLM-ART USER SEMINAR, with talk * March 4-8, 2019, Wellington, NZ, UM partnership convective-scale DA workshop [invited, could not go finally]. * Feb 17-18, 2019, Potsdam, Ger: Work Meeting with [[https://www.sfb1294.de/|SFB 1294 Data Assimilation]] * Feb 2019, Offenbach, Germany: Featured Algorithms Month * Jan 21-24, 2019, Kobe, Japan: [[http://www.data-assimilation.riken.jp/isda2019/|International Symposium on Data Assimilation 2019]] [[http://www.data-assimilation.riken.jp/isda2019/program/index.html|ISDA 2019 Progamm]], Scientific Organizing Committee [[https://youtu.be/pJSiQWdGYjU| Talk on Youtube]] For more news see [[http://www.inverseproblems.info/news|IP News]] and [[http://www.inverseproblems.info/events|IP Events]]! \\ Other News [[news_rp_2020|News RP 2020]], [[news_rp_2020|News RP 2019]], [[news_rp_2018|News RP 2018]], [[news_rp_2017|News RP 2017]], [[news_rp_2016|News RP 2016]]. Web Statistics on my webpages \\ (including the Christian activities on jesusnetwork.eu and the professional pages on inverseproblems.info). ^ ^ Visitors ^ Visits ^ Page Views ^ Robots ^ |Sum 3/2019 | ~ 66.000 | ~ 101.000 | ~ 1.080.000 | ~ 440.000 | |Sum 5/2019 | ~ 55.000 | ~ 124.000 | ~ 892.000 | ~ 530.000 | |Sum 6/2019 | ~ 79.000 | ~ 132.000 | ~ 870.000 | ~ 258.000 | including http://scienceatlas.com, http://inverseproblems.info and http://jesusnetwork.eu.